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The Full Story of the Good News

The Four Fold Gospel

The "Four-Fold Gospel," introduced by Dr. A.B. Simpson, centers on four pivotal aspects of Christ's presence in believers' lives: Christ as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King. This framework underscores the Gospel's comprehensive nature, offering salvation and spiritual transformation. It begins with Christ as the Savior, emphasizing redemption and reconciliation through His sacrifice. Sanctification follows, highlighting personal holiness and deep spiritual renewal. Christ as Healer addresses the holistic nature of His salvation, extending to physical well-being. Lastly, Christ as the Coming Lord assures believers of His future return. Together, these four elements promote a full embrace of Christ's work, encouraging believers to live a gospel-driven life that acknowledges His all-encompassing grace and truth.

Christian Booklet


​The first aspect of the Four-Fold Gospel is Christ as Savior, emphasized in John 3:16, which states, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This verse highlights Jesus’ sacrificial role in offering salvation and eternal life to all who believe, underscoring the foundational importance of being justified, forgiven, and born again through faith in Christ.



The second aspect is Christ as Sanctifier, supported by 1 Peter 1:15-16: "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'Be holy, because I am holy.'" This verse emphasizes the call to holiness and underscores the process of sanctification, where believers experience purification and are set apart for God’s purposes. It reflects an ongoing journey toward personal holiness and transformation through the Holy Spirit, striving to embody the character of God in every aspect of life.

Praise and Hands Raised


The third element is Christ as Healer, as affirmed in Isaiah 53:5, which declares, "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed." This verse speaks to the holistic nature of salvation, where Jesus provides healing for our physical ailments and spiritual needs, showcasing His deep compassion for our overall well-being.

Coming King

​The final aspect is Christ as Coming Lord, captured in Revelation 22:12, which states, "Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done." This verse assures believers of Christ’s imminent return and the hope of eternal rewards, encouraging a life of faithfulness and anticipation as they await His glorious coming.

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